Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A remembrance of the younger days~~

Today I went back to my 6 years old kindergarden~~~
I was following my aunt there to register for my cousin~~
The kindergarden was still the same after almost 10 years~~Tadika St Ronan
Then I went for tuition~~
SIGH i was late for tuition~~
After tuition I asked Mr Lim to teach me to the add maths question which i dont know how to do~~

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

COngrats Mr Alvin Tay

Finally a graduated DOctor in the Family~~ Wohoo
CONGRATS MR ALVIN TAY JUN YEW~~ ( second class honour~~)
My hair is getting shorter~~ Sigh~~
I want my long hair so badly~~~ Sigh

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Welcome December
I love the month of December where i can buy lots of present~~~
Because there is so many sales out there~~